- Over 200 family favorite recipes with full-color photos
- Seasonal menus will inspire and simplify meal planning
- Perfect for today's busy families
- Exclusively designed by Gooseberry Patch
- Hardcover, 320 pages
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Featured Tip: Serve cold fruit drinks with a fruit kabob in each glass by simply spearing two or more pieces of fruit on a wooden pick. Maraschino cherries; pineapple chunks; apple slices; orange wedges and fresh strawberries work well.
For today’s busy families! Collaborating with Oxmoor House, Gooseberry Patch family & friends have shared some of their best! More than 200 easy recipes, seasonal menus and delightful photos. Hardcover, 320 pages.
Cookbook Reviews: |
Overall:     Beck Location: Amazon.com Reviewer Date Posted: 02/14/2011 04:20:05 PM | Family Favorite Recipes
This is an not the book I thought it would be. I do love the pictures. I don't know I wasn't so inspired by it. Not hard to find items but ones I don't have on hand. I gave it too my sister and Grandmother and they both loved it. My grandma doesn't cook much any more but loves to look at recipes and pictures. So this was a great gift for her. My sister found quite a few recipes so maybe I'm odd man out? |
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