Back in 1984, we were two moms living next door to each other in the little town of Delaware, Ohio. Since our kids were still little, we were looking for a way to do what we loved and stay home with them too. We had always shared a love of home cooking and making memories with family & friends and so, after many a conversation over the backyard fence, Gooseberry Patch was born.
We put together our first catalog at our kitchen tables and from that very first mailing, we found an immediate connection with our customers. It wasn’t long before we began receiving letters, photos and recipes from these new friends. In 1992, we published our very first cookbook, compiled from hundreds of these recipes and, the rest, as they say, is history.
Be sure to subscribe to our emails, if you haven't already. We share sneak peeks of our upcoming titles, more than a dozen recipes a week and semi-annual Sales!
After more than 25 years in retail sales, Gooseberry Patch made the difficult decision to discontinue the catalog business in 2010, and focus on cookbook, and calendar publishing exclusively.
Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or are just discovering us, we're so glad you're a part of the Gooseberry Patch family!